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How far would you go?

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TWR | 19:56 Mon 23rd May 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
If your funds where limited & someone you know has decimated your character, how far would you go to clear yourself?


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Wouldn't care. Those who i care about wouldn't believe it and the rest can go stuff themselves.
I'd Imogen if i suddenly got Max(xed) out, id go for it.
What woofgang said.
I wouldn't bother even trying. I have had people make accusations about me before and everyone who matters to me knew that it was all lies.
well with limited funds, there is a limited amount you can do
id take no notice, wouldnt waste my money. as long as my family and friends know its untrue.
It's all well and good that your friends and family know the truth. It's when other people around you believe the other 'version' that's going round, and you have to put up with them gossiping, staring, making comments, etc. However, there is still nothing you can do about it.
a large advert with my side of the story perhaps...if could afford it... if not write to lots of papers and publicists to see if they were interested in the' battle'
If I'd cheated I'd deserve it so I'd just stand up and take whatever they say like a man!
I'd go out of my way to do even more of what they were accusing me of and be open about it - don't let them think they can intimidate me. I'd even do something worse if necessary. But I would bide my time and get my own back. I have a button badge that says 'caution, I bear grudges'
If it affected my income I would fight, otherwise am not bothered.
As it is always a "seven days wonder" I would ignore it. Whatever it is will soon fade into the background when the next bit of gossip arrives. Watch the news it is only occasionally that the same piece of news goes on for more than a week, unless someone actually makes it go on in some way. If you start fighting it you will only raise it to an importance which it doesn't deserve and will draw it to everyone's attention.
I wouldn't care! long as I knew that I hadn't done anything wrong, then they could all get on with it!..............Do hold a grudge though, and would be waiting/looking for payback time!.............and would make sure of having it too!........
I'm still biding my time - when we are in the position to do so, they will get there's - yes, I am bitter about it!
Hmm I hold grudges too. And it's not something I'm proud of. Wish I could let things go sometimes.
My particular itch is with me daily, affects my life daily and has made me ill, I wouldn'tdl anything illegal to alleviate it but it does hang over me like a big, black cloud.
bide your time sher!.........your day will come!.............
Paul, seems to me taking it like a man means cheating, secrecy and denial.

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