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Icelandic Ash cloud heading here

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rov1100 | 19:14 Mon 23rd May 2011 | News
11 Answers
Why no warnings from the government for asthmatics and those with lung diseases? This new eruption is worse than the last one for human health as it drops to ground level and will cover the country. They seem more interested in whether planes can fly!


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I haven't heard that side of the story, rov, have you got a link?
I never thought of that aspect. Were Asthmatics and those with lung conditions affected by the ash last time?
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As I said this new eruption is worse than the last one as the particles are heavier and the dust will float to the ground unlike last time when it stayed mostly at 50,000 feet. Pictures from Iceland itself showed a thick covering ofthe dust on cars etc and a hazy fog like atmosphere.
The comments of Radio 4 were that this cloud is not as damaging as the previous one. Again, could you post your evidence on this rather than speculate.
That is all I could find so far.
Thanks Manya - puts it in perspective and I read that not as worse as last year- rather just that asthma sufferers etc need to take care and precuation at this time, and that makes a lot of sense.
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Good link mamyalynne. It seems certain sections of the news media are trying to get the message out but politicians and the general media have not yet caught up especially when the cloud is due to hit Scotland tomorrow before progressing south.

For those on AB who refuse to look at links:

///Medical experts are advising people with lung conditions, such as asthma, to be prepared for the ash cloud that is expected to reach the UK on Tuesday///
With the wind here just now, I doubt it'll get a chance to settle!
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seems like it will happen again

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Icelandic Ash cloud heading here

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