I have finally decided what I want to do when I'm older... a theatre nurse. I think, anyway, that it's going to stick and I won't change my mind again! Or at least I hope so! Anyway just wondering how you get into this? I have a work experience due in June of this year and have applied to do theatre with the NHS but it's not 100% confirmed yet.. it is in the pipeline though. Which course to study at univeristy? Can you get a job in a hospital and work yourself up or what.. I mean say I got a degree in whatever I needed, where do I go from there? Have to say I find Biology much more interesting and I am better at it than Chemistry... is this the wrong route for me?
Maybe look into becoming an ODP, which is in theatres supporting the anethatist, there are specific courses for this, and from what I have seen this role is in demand. Look on the UCAS website for courses. E-mail your local NHS trust and ask them what routes and qualifications they look for.
Good luck.