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prints from slides

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Mr-H | 19:08 Thu 26th May 2011 | Computers
3 Answers
Is there anyway that I can take a 35mm slide, 'scan' (or otherwise transfer) to the computer, and then, perhaps, produce a photograph from it please?


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Yes, you will need to get your hands on a slide scanner first.
If you've just got one or two slides to scan, most photo-processing shops (including the counters in big supermarkets) can do the job for you. Howecver the prices charged would be uneconomic if you've got more than a few slides.

For a larger quantity you'll either need to buy a film scanner or to borrow one from a friend. (Some flatbed scanners have a film-scanning facility built into them, so you might not need to find someone who actually owns a dedicated film scanner. However you can't use a standard flatbed scanner as you need a device which can pass light through the slide, rather than simply reflect light off it).

We have one of these kicking about.
Some flatbed scanners have slide mounts tho .. but slides are best scanned UN-mounted. The small Canon Lide series are good for this. I happen to use Lide80 (although no drivers available for Windows 7)

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