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Good Morning All

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moonraker558 | 05:45 Fri 27th May 2011 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Another bank holiday weekend ahead hence the


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we fit it in because if we don't it desn't get done ..... good morning darlings.... TGIF and all that stuff... trying my toffee muffin recipe on the folks at work (had my baking head on yesterday will need my clean the kitchen head on tonight as a result) Its grey and threaening rain but the forecast is for sunny spells... Have a nice day everyone
Boxy, I think it's more like der derder der der du der, well at least the first line is!

Rowan, Toffee Muffins - my fave - I think i'll head back down to QE to get some
Morning all
Grey here too
Never mind it's a bank holiday weekend and a birthday for me on sunday
I'd save you one.....
I've topped them with a butter maple syrup frosting and crushed caramel pieces
Ric - won't be about on monday so have a cracking birthday and let's hope the sun shines on Gods Country - get yourself off to Scarboro for the day.
Bye all..have a good day and a lovely Week-end.
Hey, guys x
Bye, Noraq

Morning JJ

Rowan - Feeling absolutely brilliant again today ( I love toffee muffins but not tried that topping)
Got to go now so bye bye for now and see you bright and breezy tuesday morning - and for those on the move May Your God Go With You
bit late with the ''Good morning all'' greeting this morning - bit of a bland morning but we'll see howit pans out. Stay well everyone
Good Morning all. Bye Welshy, sorry I missed you.
Well yesterday we had a real downpour and we needed it badly but we need a lot more. Today its looking very bright & sunny. We're doing nothing in particular this weekend, but if the rain stays off may go down to the front to see the anual Air Show..

Morning folks,
The weather is absolutely dreadful. Typical eh?!
Good morning!
Well I've put the washing out so let's wait for the heavens to open
Welshie I believe if you fill large empty coca cola bottles or similar in size with water + labels off so they can see the water and place where the cat last shat they wont do it there anymore, of course a whole garden covered in such bottles might amuse the neighbours but its worth a try.

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