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Good Morning All.

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moonraker558 | 04:17 Mon 30th May 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
With the first rays of daylight appearing in the sky it will soon be time to go home to my bed. I hope you all have a good bank holiday whatever you are doing.


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Good Morning all.
Morning Noraq - did your boss get back from France ok? Hope you are off today - did you not fancy a lie-in? ☺
Hi ttfn..yes he did....and all systems go here since!!...I'm working Bank Holiday here =)
Have a lovely day x
good morning one & all.Its very overcast here in Essex definately looks like rain so for once the forecast wil be right.Going to support a lady who is taking her dog to the animal cancer hospital in Laindon, Essex. Puddy the dog needs chemo poor thing, before you shoot me down inflames, its not something I would do for my animals, but I respect her choice and will go and visit him because she lives too far away.
Hope it doesnt rain on your parade today if you have planned a day out.
Any body have any news of WBM and his dear wife?
Hope your day goes smoothly Noraq x Dee - good for you, I hope it is successful for Puddy - paws crossed.
Morning folks - overcast here
Morning all, damp and miserable here in Notts, I was out with Max earlier and as usual I was about as far from the car and shelter as I go when the heavens opened and it absolutely teemed down.Hopefully it will clear up for afternoon as it's the Maypole dancing in the next village
morning all nice welcome rain here in Leics. during the night but not so nice for people on holiday from work.Are you watching the live cam from the ospreys at Rutland water the 3rd chick has been born now so mother is kept busy. Have a nice day all.
morning all - a much quieter day on Romney Marsh this morning - bit of a hint of rain in the air - took the House Guest for her morning view of our wonderful countryside and let her say good morning to the swans - time to collect the paper - have a good day everyone
its vile in Brum....grey drizzle....dark.... and even worse I have a pile of housework to do which as you can see I am putting off being on here
Morning all, a touch of brightness in the sky in the farthest corner of Kent. We're going banger racing this afternoon (watching, I hasten to add, not participating).
Good morning :) someone has been singing in the shower again, c'mon, own up!
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Oh well, thats the sleep out of the way, now to read that to-do list left for me by my OH, 5 jobs to be done before I go back to work on Friday. No:1, Fix the...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
thank you ttfn for your nice comments, he is such a nice dog a wirehaired Hungarian viszia and such a good temperament too, loves everybody, I do hope they can save him.

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Good Morning All.

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