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Can someone explain to me...

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R1Geezer | 11:24 Mon 30th May 2011 | News
39 Answers
why scum like this are on the streets?
Bl00dy oooman rites again!


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Obviously the lefties here have no comment on the actual question and seem to be preoccupied with what aog uses for links! I can only assume hey agree entirey but are too embarrassed to own up! Come on Gromit and co, don't be shy!
Agree it is time AB included a section called Anti AOG comments, and since the majority of posters on AB are left wing, it would reduce the length of question's answers, thus saving space on the news section.
Well actually you two extreme right wingers UKP or further right? some of us here are right-wing centrist in our politics and your views go way OTT. I am a great supporter of the Chirs Patten style of politics especially pertaining to economics. Right wing but tinged with humanity and this is what this case is about here. Not necessarily HR so.

We could go the other extreme and ask for an AOG thread so we know where you are and thereby avoid some of the loon ideas, extreme independence and notions that kick around here, not least the non-acceptance of a pluralistic society that pervades many of your threads - and what OBama said was one of the enduring strengths of the United Kingdom
I asked why you use tinyurls. That is not anti AOG. I asked to save you time doing something for no reason. AB automatically shortens links, there is no clevetness involved. Instead of generating a tinyurl, simply copy and paste the original and the link will display shortened.

Just thought, perhaps you do it to disguise Daily Mail links.
How do you do a tinyurl?

You go to which presumably you have booked marked, then copy and paste the url into the box provided. That genetates a shortened version which you can then copy and paste into your answer.

Only AB shortens it anyway so the whole exercise is a pointless waste of time.
AB didn't used to shorten URLs, so he might just be doing out of habit.

But this is all irrelevant...
In fact I have recently posted the original links and they have both come out in their normal length Gromit.

/// Just thought, perhaps you do it to disguise Daily Mail links.///

What a devious mind you must have Gromit, I make no excuses or wish to disguise the source of my posts.

Some of you would wish to see the Daily Mail banned, but then hypocritically go on and post from the DM site when they happen to print a news story that suits their own particular agenda.
Apology Gromit, they did in fact turn up in the shortened version when I revisited the question.

So they must change after one has posted the link.

Why don't they inform us of these additions to AB?
Thanks Gromit.
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What message is tis sending to the children? It is OK to break the law if you have procreated.
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Is it because hes white?
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Theres no point.I simply asked a question.
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He could be purple with pop box orange spots and still have broken the law.
Im implying nothing.Ypu are the one implyimng. I am the one asking the question.
However the preportion of blacks in jail in the uk is hugelydisproportionate to that of whites , taking i nto consideration their percentage of the overall population.
" At 16% of all those in jail, the number of black prisoners is hugely disproportionate to the general population, where African and Caribbean people make up just 2% of the total."

Again i ask ,is it because he is white?

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