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Bank Hol?

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TWR | 16:49 Mon 30th May 2011 | ChatterBank
48 Answers
Was the weather good to you in your part of the UK? what did you get up to?


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It's been chucking it down in Hefeford. We went to Cardiff Museum and Caerphilly Castle and managed to stay (mostly) dry - too many puddles for the little ones to keep their feet dry though.
It was raining all day here in birmingham, the sun has popped out in the last hour now it is dusk. I have ordered a new sofa and I have completed the ironing.
The sun has just popped out here....just as it's setting!!
I have just finished another hour working in the garden.
It has finally rained on my little patch of East Norfolk. It lasted about an hour and everything smells freah and lush in the garden this evening. How refreshing.
No rain, no sun, just a cold wind. South coast. Too chilly to garden, too windy to enjoy a walk along the beach. Kept busy with crosswords, puzzles, library book (nothing much fancied on the TV.) Tidied, cooked and rewarded myself with a couple of hours of on-line Scrabble. Oh and sorted out the spare room for the sojourn tomorrow of grandaughter's hamster. If no posts from me I will have been nibbled to death in the dark.
Forgot to say I am currently enjoying Queen on TV. Best bit of the day!
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Judge, I was referring to the closers, I used to carry out of Kit Green many years ago, that would be one hell of a loss to Wigan.

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