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Please Point me Where i Can Find Out

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Bob906 | 12:36 Tue 31st May 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
My Grandaughter works a 40+ hour week in a restuarant as a waitress, starting at 11am and finishing at 7pm.
She is 22 years old so is classed as an adult worker, can anyone tell me where to find out if she is entitled by law to any rest breaks of any sort, her employer says she isn't and by the end of the day she is K'ed.
She doesn't get any coffee or dinner breaks at all.

Thank you in advance


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This should help, if my memory serves me right she should have t least 20 mins in ever 5 or 6 hours
12:39 Tue 31st May 2011

This should help, if my memory serves me right she should have t least 20 mins in ever 5 or 6 hours
yes she is, at least 20 mins
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Thank you very much, very helpful information.
I was a chef for a few years in a Michelin star restaurant. We worked from 8am-1am, no breaks at all and cr@p pay. I didnt realise at that time that it was illegal, I just assumed those were the hours as standard. I hope she gets it sorted and I hope her employer isn't too much of a nightmare about it!

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