So Lorna Bliss, the raunchy so-called Britney lookalike, gets a 'No' from all the judges and is reinstated for tonight's semi-final. The show's integrity goes downhill again . . ...
Oh right; don't think I saw her audition, was hoping 2 and a half men did well but BGT is a bit of a farce anyway; especially with what you originally posted about; what a joke!
Well Spellbound last year were already doing pretty well for themselves before they went on the show, that's why I was rooting for Twist and Pulse! Ah well; can't complain when you don't vote I suppose!
Britney "lookalike?" was an embarrassement and cringeworthy worse than the audition someone with better talent was forfeited for her, ridiculous, Jean was the most entertaining last night, the cyclist the previous night was great but didn't get throught. thought New Bounce were just ordinary loads of kids can do that.