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Your Day?

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TWR | 20:02 Sun 05th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Has all of you had a good day?


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...nope just looked it up !
Ok, having googled cajon and cajinto, I get you, Trim
I love cajons - very responsive and self contained, like an all in one sit on drumkit (with no cymbals!)
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It's all been happening here! Had a large tree taken down in the front garden and the work had just started when next door went to get their caravan out of the drive. The tow bar split pin fell out and the van rolled backwards into the lamp post. 83year old next door tried to stop it!! Luckily he is OK, but the back of the van is damaged and they're going to France tomorrow!
Now we are taking delivery of a new wardrobe, then I have to get a cheque of our treasurer in the U3A because the new Creative Writing volume is ready at the printers and tonight I am running quiz night.

I was going to say roll on tomorrow, but I have my yearly oncology check at the hospital, so perhaps not!!
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I always get nervous when it comes around! No X rays as I had my mammogram a few months ago, may have to do bloods though!

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