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What If?

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TWR | 19:48 Mon 06th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Have you thought back about your life & thought, what if I would have married that man / woman, would my life be better


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And I decided it wouldn't.
No fear, I'm not going in to that. A couple of blokes I have seen in later life have been a right mess and I'm very glad I never bothered with them. As far as I am concerned my husband was a perfect choice.
Yes I wondered about a couple of them, One died about 6 years ago of stomach cancer, and the other is in the final stages of stomach cancer. And I'm still married to the old goat and he's alright, so the fairy godmother was right then.
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What makes you say that Trigger? No, I'm not prying.
Yes and my life would have been different but I'm sure it could not have been much beetter. My old fellow is a star.
yes particularly as I see her from time to time (she has been through breast cancer) and I am now single (all of the above happening post divorce).
No. I think 'what if's' are a very negative way to look at life.
I look at it that our lives moved on in general in all cases and for a reason. Most of my exes are married now, most of them are on my Facebook and I felt nothing but happy for them getting married, the past is the past.

The last one is maybe the one that isn't so clearcut but there are reasons for that and i'ts not that I would change things if I had the chance, definitely not! Strange really, I saw his now wife earlier and it got me pondering a few things...mainly being glad I'm not with him anymore. I think more unresolved issues.
you need to go through the pain to reach gain,
There are times when a woman needs to say what's on her mind, even though she knows how much it's gonna hurt....
I dont wanna be 'down under' :(
Yes....more 'what if I hadn't'

But, I'm happy now....I can't find much to complain about in life...and my biggest dilemma is what I'm going to cook for dinner.
No, never.
There was a time I could have walked away but didn't and a time I might have made a huge leap into the dark...I didn't regret one not the other

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