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Baby's fingerprints

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hc4361 | 21:24 Mon 06th Jun 2011 | Body & Soul
17 Answers
I have googled this with no joy.

When are fingerprints properly and identifiably formed?


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I think i once read the fingerprints were formed while the baby was still in the womb at about 12 weeks gestation.
http://www.spsa-foren...elopment_fingerprints they start at 6-13 weeks gestation. by time of birth the fingerprints would be as they will always be through life
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Thanks both - appreciated.
Are you thinking of setting up as a modern-day Fagin then, Hc4361?
I wonder why you ask. If it's anything to do with identification by police I would question at what age they may use fingerprints.
Do identical twins have identical fingerprints?
Apparently not Craft - http://multiples.abou...a/twinfingerprint.htm (am very interested in twins - not surprisingly).
Craft, I've heard they don't. (Maybe Urban myth) but then again I've watched too many whodunnit's when the DNA was identical
Are your twins identical Sher?

I've always meant to ask you...what are the sexes of your kids?
Sherrardk's twins can't be identical, 'cos the first born is a girl but her sibling is a boy ;-)

But Sherrardk is a twin herself. Same gender? Identical?
Hi Ummm - thankfully the twins are not identical (I was so worried about how we would tell them apart if they were and if you were allowed to write their initial on their feet!). I have a B (10), B (7), G (5) and G & B (3). I have found the 'twins' fascinating in terms of nature v's nurture - they are so completely different but have been (I hope) treated exactly the same.
Hi Buenchico - both girls, non-identical (one fair, one dark haired - completely different like my 'twins' - so hate that word).
My nan had 3 sets of twins so I hoped I'd have some, but sadly didn't.
Sher...nice, almost even, mix.. :-)

Craft - My Nan is a twin. They are so weird....seeing each other once a year and still they are just the same. (boy girl)
As you spent roughly the same amount of time teaching that I did, Sherrardk, did you ever have identical twins in the same class? I did and I tried my hardest to stop myself from doing what nearly all of the other kids (and most of the staff) did, which was simply to address each of them as 'Twinny'.

I spotted that one of the boys had a very small chip in one of his upper front teeth, so I always tried to get a good look at their dentition before speaking to them and addressing them by name. My technique worked well until, in the same week, the boy with the chipped tooth had it repaired by a dentist, while his brother fell off his bike and chipped exactly the same tooth ;-)
On a slightly different tack, but something that fascinates me, I recently stayed in a house, along with a young couple and their identical twin 9 month old daughters, on the Isle of Elba, one was attacked badly by mosquitos (as was I) and the other was left completely alone. They slept side by side in cots and I checked that they both had the same blood group. Can anyone explain please?
Hi Buenchico - never identical twins (thankfully) but where we live now there are absolutely loads of twins. There are at least six lots of twins in the village that I can bring to mind instantly (there's a set next door and there will be a set in my twins' reception class) - must be something in the water.

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Baby's fingerprints

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