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Names for these new elements?

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venator | 09:20 Fri 03rd Jun 2011 | Science
12 Answers
Two new elements have been produced, but they have no names as yet - any suggestions?



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bethdittoium and vanessafeltzium?
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how about Geezerium?
How about williamium and catherinium
whogivesastuffium and onlyofintresttonerdium
What about Jumbo and Dumbo?


Oh, elements. :(
mibnium & cweusium
Fatarsenic and Gut-Bucketium
If they are heavy but disappear after a few seconds - what about almost any pop idol or x factor winner. Perhaps Michelle and McManus would be good!
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Douglas, I liked that :)

How about ker-splat and ka-pow?
As they both break down incredibly quickly, I was thinking of calling them Virgin Trains and Gwyneth Paltrow.

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Names for these new elements?

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