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what games are you playing atm ?? :)

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bambikyle | 00:42 Thu 09th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
am playing minecraft atm
what are all you guys playing ?


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You are doing well for answers to your first question bambi. Hurry up and think of another one, but if it is about games home in to the Gaming section.
Question Author
ok change to a little ''maturer'' subject lol , what music yous all listing too :)
Question Author
wait nvm al just ask it in another thread lol , thanks all for all the answers on my first question :)
Mamyalynne's Night Night thread - always a good one
It's quite difficult, it speeds up and in the end there are yellow splashes everywhere.

It's real Bambi - you can D/L it here for nuffink :

(BTW I scanned it thoroughly and it's totally clean - if you'll pardon the pun)
Question Author
thanks man lol sounds fun , al give it a look . :)

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what games are you playing atm ?? :)

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