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Pet names

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NoMercy | 17:03 Wed 08th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Do you and your partner have a pet name for each other?

I'm sometimes known as "asbestos mouth"


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Yup, but I'm definitely not telling you lot!!
His to me- Slapper
me to him- Ar$ehole.

We find it works :-)
The ones I have for Him would not be allowed on A.B LOL
I often get called "my little nest of vipers" (I think from Fawlty Towers).
I just call him the first thing that comes into my head.
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For years my H called me 'Dear', I hated it and said so. I found it patronising and still do, if someone in a shop calls me 'Dear' I cringe & very often say something.
After a long time he's eventually dropped the dear. Now, sometimes he calls me 'Foxy'
(I wonder why)

Bit like BOO....but worse :-)
ttfn & moonie aka hinge & bracket.
I call the wife "Duchess", she calls me "tripod", but I don't know why.
I call him W&nker, and he calls me pratt, and i say at least a prat is useful!
She gets dimples.....
My OH calls me habibti, I call him all sorts ;-)
No, we don't. Never thought about it before.
stout Dot & Fred Scuttle
lol Boo & Les.
He calls me Bunny. I hate it.
I call him Captain Pugwash or Rubber Johnny.

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Pet names

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