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Good Morning All

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WELSHYORKIE | 05:09 Thu 09th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
67 Answers
Good morning from a very dull and showery North Wales. Though still quite warm there is more rain on the folks


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oooooooh..! lucky dog..!..ive Loved the Blues Brothers for over 30 years now...
Have a great time...hope you like this
I will say Good morning because I am a polite lady,,,:-)
but it doesn't feel like one :-(
Cheers standion, that's set me up for the day.
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I'm back - 10 miles down the road - phone goes 'JC where are you your meeting has been cancelled, come back to the office' - Bo11ocks there goes my free lunch with a supplier - i'll have to go to Marks & Sparks (other retail outlets are available) to get a butty. Moonie, trying it on with Rowan now eh - you'll have to be very romantic with Rowan not like you are with ttfn - Rowan likes the finer things in life!! Noraq - if your still online - see you on Morgan Strasse
Morning all, specially my cyber son welshyorkie. You said you were going to be good welshy, so what's with all that swearing. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly and you will find you can control your annoyance. Be good if you can.
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Starbuck, Mam, I am sorry but that upstart moonie was trying to step in whilst I was chatting up Noraq, a fine upstanding (and hopefully outsanding), Irish redhead. He would not leave it alone so I had to get tough. I apolgise if this may have upset you but I was brought up to fight for what you can get and step on others if you have to., and besides that he's got ttfn for company and when Noraq told him to sling his hook, he tried it on with Rowan!!! Sorry, mam, will try harder.
didn't notice...

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