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Anyone making plans for the weekend yet

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Ric.ror | 06:37 Thu 09th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
My own plans are decorating decorating and .... Well you get the picture


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No plans as yet, but if Noraq isn't busy.............................
life happens while you are making plans.
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Or how to make god laugh?
Tell him your plans
em10 - that's right but I still have a 'to do' list that needs sorting - maybe when I am on leave week after next, perhaps?
Lunch with Lil. That rules out the rest of Friday.......

Gardening & Gym day Saturday after meeting up with The Parents.

Meeting the BF on sunday where we shall partake of a nice riverside walk, a hearty sunday roast lunch, followed by a bunk-up in the back of his jag in a secluded location (once the lunch has settled, so we might have to have a kip first).
No Plans unfortunately, would much rather be elsewhere but that's another story......
Have a DIY ... go for a run ... get ratted.

Everything else is just padding.
going round my parents saturday to help my poor old 83 year old dad with his laptop (last problem was he'd plugged the usb printer cable into the ethernet port!).
doing a 25 mile sponsered bike ride on sunday.
Picking my son up from Heathrow on Sunday morning........he's been away in Australia for 22 months, so will be taking the kleenex.
I hope you recognise him lesblue. When my short haired, fresh faced son went around the world for a year, he came back with shoulder length locks, surfer gear and an eyebrow bar (he chickened out of having a tattoo like his mate who went with him!).
I hardly ever make weekend plans, I just see what happens and go with the flow so to speak. Ric.ror I always find decorating really relaxing, we could do a swap and you do my garden which I hate with a passion :-)
I've kept in touch via Skype, so will recognise the top 20%, not much has changed there.
Witch queen and deputy coming for a state will be run off my feet trying to keep them entertained....cupcakes will be involved as will prosecco and thoughts of what I'd rather be doing
lol lol Rowan !
Witch Queen and deputy, you certainly have a way with words ! ;-)))
i can;t wait for the weekend esp saturday, yippeeeeeee
Hopefully nice and relaxed unlike last weekend. Possibly see my dad. Maybe buy a bath mat. I lead an exciting life :c)
I'm working Saturday and apparently I'm cooking my mother a seafood paella on Sunday.

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Anyone making plans for the weekend yet

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