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jd_here | 01:55 Fri 10th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Good morning all you insomniacs, 02.13 this morning, gettting earlier and earlier :>((


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Crap, isn't it? I probably won't get to sleep till 5ish as usual, then will wake around 8, all bleary eyed and irritable!
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Agreed Sir Alec, fancy comig over and we could share a bone?
Fancy coming over to the Night Night thread and playing a melancholy melody or two? It helps me to compensate!
Too much dirty talk for this time in the morning.
Earthy soil and looooooooaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmm!

Is that dirty enough, Mike? I'll throw in a bit of peat as well for the jollies!
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Acouple of mugs of tea and a few Rich Tea, think I might just try and return to the pit and see if I can get a little more shut eye....night all.....for the time being!
Night night and good luck, jd_here!
I thought it was getting later and later! Got my new laptop today after the dog tipped a mug of tea into the old one, so I'm catching up with nearly two week's worth of gossip and just can't leave it alone.
I am laughing at what your dog did, but at the same time know that I really shouldn't be laughing at all. That must have been sooooooo frustrating!
He just waved his hairy great tail and swept the mug over, right into the keyboard and mobile phone which was on the desk, which I then broke in half in my panic to get the back off to try to get the sim card and battery out. Luckily the insurance paid up and sent me a replacement for them both. Ironically, one of the 'do's and don'ts' for the laptop says that you should not eat or drink near the computer!
I did the same a few weeks back. Spilt my drink over the keyboard and knocked it out. Didn't know which to cry over first, my non-functioning keyboard or the spilt drink. Was quoted £50 plus labour to get a new one. Bought a plug-in one from Morrisons for £7 and it works a treat.
morning guys had your minced morsels yet?
mike, which gobshite quoted you that figure
Probably didn't even need the new one/.. if I spill anything in my keyboards I just unplug it run it under the tap shake the water out and leave it to dry for a few hours
Coffee in the CPU is another matter...
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3.20 to 5.20........dozed, and now up again and wide awake!
Morning all by the way....just having a little spell on here before I start my chores. Family expected for the weekend so won't get a chance to pop back hope you all have a good weekend

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