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None of us can decide how to answer this !
I can catagoricly say no. I have never had any luck.
If I hadn't had a long run of bad luck I would have had no luck at all
i havent been the unluckiest person around,i feel i am quite lucky,especially at competitions
Not particularly. I had a conversation with a friend a while ago about luck. He had read a book that said you make your own luck. I told him I thought if you make your own luck, then it`s not luck. It`s something you have made happen. Luck is names out of a hat and you have no control over it.
Over my years in the pits I was battered about a bit and I've had a few serious health problems, on the other hand I've got a great lady, a family I'm close too and a big soft dog for a mate, so yes I think that I'm a fairly lucky person especially when I see the state some poor buggers are in
A former boss, who does seem to be one of those flukily lucky people, suggested I was just a really unlucky person....charming! I've had some crap, yes, but I've also got a lot to be very grateful for.
no no a thousand times no !
My little brother died when he was a baby, I don't have a family and I'm never going to have children, or anyone to look after me when I'm old.

So ... I'm unlucky.

I earn way more than I really deserve, have no mortgage or money worries, a fab sexy boyfriend, and a great lifestyle.

So ... I'm lucky.

Essentially, aren't we all a mix of good and bad luck?
I agree with jj. I am lucky in many ways but I do not seem to be lucky in winning the lottery although I buy each week online. I sometimes get emails saying News about your lottery ticket but when I log on with bated breath I have only won very small amounts - just won £8.40 on the Euromillions. Very disappointing However, in many other ways I am extremely fortunate. Nothing to grumble about.
Definitely not.
When I was young I had a rocking horse and it died.
I bought a suit once,that had two pairs of trousers and burnt a hole in the jacket !
Climb up here, daftgrandad, we'll soon be flying. I can go just as fast with two......

I wouldn't say I'm a lucky person. But then, I dont think I'm unlucky either.
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J.J. I have a brother in OZ, the first time he came over he won £1600 on the coupon, the 2nd time he came over he won £1500 on the loto, how do you work that out?
Isn`t it the way you perceive things though? For example I was selling a flat and buying a house and I paid about £1000+ on searches and surveys. The sale fell through and I lost the money but won £1200 on a money saving incentive at work. When I won the money I could have said "I`ve just got some money from work and it`s all been taken away from me due to a lost survey/search". I could also have said "I`ve just lost a load of money due to a lost survey/search but I won £1200 at work - I`m so lucky".
I've been very lucky in the last year or so. :-)
I think I am, I was given a second chance of happiness and it has excelled itself

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