Good morning one and all, apparently the night shift had an insomnia thread running but I thought I would start a new one for us early morning dayshifters ( and Irish redhead chatteruperers)
Morning everybody, bit dull a the moment, still plenty of time for it to change can't stop as I'm off to ge the dressings on my little wound changed and want to be first in line for the sister as we're of shopping
Helen, My hopes dashed again, not doing very well today, it's been a while since I used a chat up line. Last one was probably - Get your coat love - you've pulled (weel it was 1974!!) As for being 38 - that was quite a while ago.
Male, 55 recently single, available for relationship short/long term (depending on whether heart can take it) Any offer considered !!!!
Me again...bad penny....Welshy...
Give yourself time...only you know when the time is right.....and whatever get's you through these sad times is O.K....just be careful.
Helen, it is something that has bothered me, that if I went out and was lucky enough to pull, what the family reaction would be (11 weeks now). I'm sure my boys would bioth be ok with it but obviously they would urge caution due to my deep love of Sylvia that I wasn't just trying to fill a void in my life. But I think the reaction of her family is the one I would be woried about -although her twin brother did say that if I was to find someone that I should go for it - that was 2 DAYS after Sylv passed!
Helen, thank you for that - I really do appreciate you teling me that - now all i've got to do is pull...................... (Oh and by the way if you weren't spoken for I would have called by on the way to my brothers at Dungannon - even though you are only a couple of years older than my eldest lad!!!)
Noraq, O love of my heart .. you return with good advice. Could you fancy a 55 year old male single - any offers considered???? No sign of the cuckoo today - Mrs M must have caught him by the nuptuals