A lot of laptop manufacturers like to stick adapters on the "business end" of the HDDs, which may be confusing things. If it's not an obvious IDE or SATA end you'll need to remove the adapter (may need unscrewing). Use a suitable adapter or caddy and access via USB.
OR download a "LIve CD" type Linux or Windows Recovery distribution. Re-mount the HDD and attach an external USB drive. Use the CD to boot off. Assuming that the BIOS is set to allow this - if not, find out how to access it. (IIRC my Medion Desktop has no obvious way to get into the BIOS but I found a way off the net - sorry, can't remember how! - to do it), You should then be able to transfer the data.
OR if (as your description makes it sound) it's merely that the one account is password protected there are various software tools that allow one to reset the password and/or create a new admin account. Unfortunately the ones I know of (there may well be others) require either a degree of technical skill to compile or an account with Microsoft to access. Of course, there may be some iffy copies floating around on the net if you want to risk hosing the laptop.