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TWR | 20:07 Tue 14th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Is this the only way to sort this shower of clowns out that is continuing to let prices increase? tampering with our pensions? Letting the big boys get away with ripping the country off?


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Well DT I think strikes have their place. If a workforce is being mistreated in some way (unsafe working practices for example) and the only way to have a voice is to withdraw labour, then so be it. These days though, there tend to be laws to make sure that doesn`t happen ( ageism, health and safety) etc. As we have already said though, strikes won`t make any difference at all to prices, pensions etc.
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237, I am not a strike person, I do not like conflict, but I remember the strikes that we had a few years back regards the fuel ( Can you remember) Each government is taking the pizz out of the British people & they know it, example, if you fiddled your tax there would be no hesitation, you would be down, MPs fiddle their Tax/ expenses what happens, it takes about 12 months before they get put down, would it take that long with the General Public? here are ways to recoup monies in the country! How? I have said it before, charge every Vehicle that comes accross the water to the UK, & yes it can be done.
maltreatment and abusement of the labour laws is one thing; the need to redress the economic balance is another and especially the public sector is rife with inefficiency - it is totally correct to challenge, for example the police budgets or the NHS - and I am not advocating cutting the frontline; indeed there may be extra cash to boost services.

How - just take a look at the NHS bureauracy and data inputting ahead of operations. I can understand once and two checks but having to put the same data in a further six times before an operation in the Cornwall Trust - please......and as for the police, why do we need Devon & Cornwall, Dorset, Avon, and Somerset separate forces each with their own Chief Constable, exec mgt, Finance Officers, HR officers, Press Officers, Compliance and all the rest of the overheads - after all all 4 grouped together are far smaller than, say, Birmingham, Manchester and the Met. I would put it to anybody that they could halve the number of backroom jobs and get a hell of a long way to meeting the cut targets - without ever impacting on the front line.
cutting front line staff in NHS, or any public body, will get the headlines in the national newspapers, its a way to bash the government.
NHS needed overhauling years ago, and no one has the bottle to do it, its a vote loser. Cameron sold out to Clegg, who sold out to his own party, and we are in the doo doo not just because of the banks, but the people who were in power before.
strikes may work, its not the answer though, at the end of the day everyone will have to sit around a table and thrash out a deal, compromise.
I don't suppose people who put money into private pensions were too chuffed either when they found someone had come in and robbed the lot.

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