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Sorry to the rest of you, Bullies have had their way - I've thought about it, and I won't be posting any more

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merciasounds | 13:23 Mon 09th Aug 2010 | Food & Drink
199 Answers
Bye and thanks to all who have enjoyed the menus, Mercia XX


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worse is more like it.......
I think you will find you are replying to pasta.

that being said she created several multiple accounts and used those accounts to abuse other members. actions that are against Site Rules, though obviously mercia seems to have avoided punishment..
Not in the slightest Welsh....

The personal attack she made on me and BOO was uncalled for. Especially when she had a dig about my son and what she said to BOO was much worse.

Shameful really...
Well she's got herself 184 answers.

Do you really mean she didn't bake for the WI? I'm really gutted about that.
Cheer up our age we've had worse disappointments...
And the scouts, neighbours and well as taken in elderly neighbours to look after them....all this while waiting for a hip replacement along with other problems.

Yeah right..!!!!
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I think you have Wyz.....

Mercia is a bit quick to abuse others that don't agree with her. God forbid you don't like one of her menus...!!
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You'll have to shout louder than that. ^^^^^

She's legged it, with her buns trailing behind her.
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Oh aye, I never thought of that. [:o)
cant believe 2 days later still post is still going on
Funny though 4get :-)
Wow! Wow! Wow!
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Pmsl....we could use this as our private chat room :-)
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probably...but we're being nice :-)

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Sorry to the rest of you, Bullies have had their way - I've thought about it, and I won't be posting any more

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