Good morning to each and every one of you this morning from a very damp but warm North Wales. Yet another early start (courtesy of HM Revenue and Customs - 350 tax forms to be completed this week) and very little traffic on the road - oh and one very startled fox!
Rightio, I have to leave the scene of the crime now, so have a good day y'all and if you are out and about on the roads today, May Your God Go With You
Gooooooooood mornining all !!! greetings from a dull but dry Edinburgh...lovely yesterday..could go either way to do the rounds of parents and elderly friends/neighbours to retune tv's....
Just popped back in before I hit the road - I was worried you were going to put me down for the sheep - I know i'm lonely but not THAT lonely. Has redman got the welsh wellies - you know the type where they have wider legs do they can put the back legs of the sheep in so they can't move? Agree with you on Noraqs av - bleeding gorgeous. Ric.ror you are forgiven as you live in GOC
good morning one and all. bright and sunny down here in cornwall. did rain in the night so that's good.
agree with em10 about triffic noise - that's one of the reasons i agreed to move here no traffic noise.
dee sa glad to know that mr sa is gradually getting bett and enjoyed his glass of wine. if i remember rightly somewhere in the good book it states that we should takea little wine for our stomach's sake. i don't mind being wrong but it seems a good idea anyway.
Moonie - you're going to fecking dead if I get my hands on you! Whoooooooaaaaaaaaaaa a moment - that's a Wiltshire sheep - that has got to be either you or redman and i'm guessing it's not redman cos he's ex Merchant Navy and would be covered in tattoos