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FAO NoMercy

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Count-A-Strong | 14:46 Sat 18th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Yes I am.



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Blimey, you've crossed my mind a couple of times. I remember you from my early days on this site but never put 2 and 2 together.

Glad you're still around.
he is the grand master of disguise ;o)
Well, well, well, you live and learn. ;-)
Pong gave it away
Is he still alive, Fluff, or did you pin him to death?
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Unfortunatly alive :-(
I must be thick because I have absolutely no idea what either the questions or responses are about. Don`t bother to try and explain, as I firmly believe the whole point of anything (which the subsequent questioner doesn`t seem to understand) is to have a laugh. Well, it is to me.
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Aaaah shaddappaya face.

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FAO NoMercy

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