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Has sallabananas peeled off?

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venator | 21:57 Sat 18th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
I hope she hasn't gone, for all the reasons which everyone has stated.


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Thanks noraq. I've sneaked on before I start work... Ssshh ;-)

I haven't slept very well since Wednesday, so thought I might take a quick peek in. It is so lovely to see that people are still supporting me. The only good thing to come of all this is to know that the majority of people on here don't think I'm getting what I deserve or that I'm scum!!
salla.....don't be silly....just come back to bed ;-)
I perked up at he thought of Salla peeling off!
Too exhausted sqadlet.........:-)
No are about as far from that awful word as anyone can get...and are very much respected here... from what I have read..long may you continue.

Oh...and again...have a lovely day. x

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Has sallabananas peeled off?

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