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Who ate all the pies?

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Hopkirk | 16:20 Mon 20th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
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Perhaps if they changed the top piccie it wouldn't seem half as bad?
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Jeezo! I wouldn't have recognised him in that pic Hopkirk. He needs to get out of the studio a bit more methinks.
that's rory bremner?????
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Actually I think that's Tim Smith.

I would rather look at Janey Lee Grace.
The newspapers showed a picture of him looking fat a while ago and it prompted him to lose the weight. Obviously he didn`t manage to keep it off. Poor bloke.
When you're getting around half a million pounds per year, for a fairly easy job, the word 'poor' doesn't seem to be appropriate somehow ;-)
who ate all the pies ? Elvis of course.

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