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At The Airport

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Cate_gory | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
1,This plane will land in Geneva,(7 letters),2,Tree juice returns for games,(8 letters),3,Good mark for Aliens,(7 etters).5,USA college returns inside(4 & 19 letters).any help will be much appreciated.


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2 pastimes?
2 pas sport
i must get new glasses. apologies.
2. Passport
3. TickETs
Hi Cate_gory, it's easier if you put all the clues in one post - it gets confusing to have to threads with the same name!
Question Author
Once again I thank you all for your help,em10,bibblebub and JMR27.
Hi Cate is the last answer definitely 4 & 19 letters?
Question Author
sorry JMR 27.the question is USAcollege returns inside 4 and 19,( 6 letters)I have answers Duty Free for No.4,and car park for no.19.I dont know if this helps at all.
Think about the 4th and 19th letters of the alphabet and an American university
5. Delays
1)will LAND IN Geneva
Question Author
I must now thank owllady,quinie and JMR27.I have been at a loss thinking these out.
good mark for aliens tick et, as in tick for good marks and et for alien

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At The Airport

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