clear here in Lancshire. I ws telling a customer about the ISS sightings today and she seemed interested, i told her there was a woman up there doing scientific tests on spiders and she said that the woman must be brave to work with spiders...........I think the fact that the work is being done in spce kinda bypassed my customer
Flobadob I have been posting the sightings for viewing times for the last 2 weeks . There are only a few more till Monday then it will be a few weeks before there are sightings again. Go to and click on flybys and you can type in your nearest city then you will get the times for your area.
Cheers wendi, I just checked the email I was thinking of and it was a misread on my part as it said it would be visible "until" 29th. My bad. Doesn't overly matter right enough as its been cloudy and rainy all month.
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Do you know the answer?
Spacestation over uk tonight 11 07 pm for 6 mins W departing ESE