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Should I be honest?

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tigwig | 16:47 Thu 23rd Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
I have just returned an item I bought from ebay as the lettering was faded. I have been refunded via paypal but I also bought a dress at the same time and the seller has refunded me for both items. I feel a bit bad if I dont do anything but then on the other hand its his mistake not mine! What would you do?


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Is the seller a private individual? He might be more inclined to notice it if he is. He could then give you negative feedback as a buyer.
Surely you do not need to be told.........?
i hope you didn't buy the stuff of, em10.
Personally I would message them telling them their mistake.. better to be honest.. They might of just refunded it all as a good will gesture but still i would check.
With one message you can stop yourself feeling bad......a bit of a no-brainer. :o)
I'd tell the seller.
Same as Lore for me, tigwig. It will give you a good feeling and you will sleep better for it.
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I wouldn't dream of not trying to return the money. Plus the seller could be an ABer and see this!
best tell the truth,
Question Author
Aww it's so nice that you lot are all honest. I am going to email him now and tell him.
so you're going let his/her mistake make you a thief? it doesn't belong to you - return it.
always be honest because what goes around comes around! and you want to be nice too! lol! xx
Yes, honesty is the best policy. We are all very honest on here, and would always tell the owner the truth. We have to live with our consciences for the rest of our lives, and things like this come back to haunt us in my experience. I do not ever steal things, but I do keep things I find in the street, apart from wallets and mobile phones, of course. I compare myself to a Womble in that respect.

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Should I be honest?

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