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If I may!

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TWR | 20:54 Thu 23rd Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
Checking out our out going payments yesterday & ways to save, Yes ways to save, checked out orange Broadband, they knocked off £10.00 & also, they had not informed BT that they would be paying the Land Line Charges ( our fault for not checking ( £284 refunded) O2, reduced by £5.00, Elec + Gas, threatened them we where looking, £15.00 knocked off, Water ( Nil) Sky £10 off, Insurance off my wife's car, that's to come. Smart @rse, NO, we can all do it. ( TRY)


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The problem is TWR, that when loads of folk do it they stop knocking money off. Virgin were doing it a while back but one of the papers/money savings websites or something promoted it (tell them you're leaving and they'll reduce your bill) and so many people tried it that they stopped.
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Yes Doc, you have got to try Karen, these big comp are too quick to take your money, I belive in searching.
I have tried - i said I was leaving and they said 'ok'. Had to do a lot of backpedalling after that ;)

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