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OK - so what is good and bad about being 50 years old........

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newbie | 22:46 Wed 20th Feb 2008 | Body & Soul
15 Answers
So all answers gratefully received. The funnier the better!!!


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The good bit. You have finished being 49 and dreading getting to 50. You have arrived. Settle in. You are now in you're 50's. In another 9 years you can have a fretful year on the run up to 60.

The good bit is being full of knowledge when your offsprings start talking about music from the 70,s really winds them up that you know it all.The bad bit is you probably wish you were still in the 70,s doing it all again.
The good thing is you THINK you know it all

The bad thing is you wish you knew then what you know now.......... : )
knowing that my mum just turned 60
Countdown to retirement which is going to be 59 for me, the year my mortgage is paid off!
the good thing is having more disposable income to buy more clothes. the bad thing is ending up like mutton dressed as lamb!!
To me (well over 50!) I can now see that being 50 was absolutely fabulous. I felt a lot younger and fitter than I do a decade or so further on!

Make the most of it, you are a mere babe ;o)
You can have a SAGA holiday and get their insurance ...oooo and get reduced rates at Leisure Centre's .
Also you can but all those nice clothes from the Junk Mail brochures with those nice sensible shoes and trousers etc . for the discerning Gentleman.
Good things:
1. Getting lots more interesting mail, especially from June Whitfield, urging me to take out a "no medical questions asked" insurance policy. Ditto Saga, Stannah stairlifts etc.
2. Not having to give in to fashion trends, simply because whatever is fashionable now was fashionable years ago (e.g. smock tops, tie dye, skinny jeans, flared jeans). Been there, done that.
3.Being able to sing along to modern songs to the amazement of my kids, and then smugly tell them I remember the song the first time round by someone else.
4. Not giving a stuff about what people think of me.

Bad things:
1. Getting ready & going out feeling a million dollars, then catching sight of a wrinkled old bat in a shop window and realising it's me.
2. Creaky knees
3. Waking up next to a grey haired, balding man
4. Having a night out with the girls and instead of chatting about being on the pull and admiring mens buttocks, the conversation invariably turns to tales of the menopause.

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When my Mum was 50, I was at Uni and we arranged a Surprise Party for her. Meantime, she used to come and visit me every 3rd weekend to clean the flat and buy us toilet roll, food etc. We used to take her to the Student Union and on one occasion I told her we were going to a JOINT PARTY. She discussed said party with her work colleagues (in their 20's) asking what type of JOINT she should buy from Morrisons first, Lamb, Beef or Pork! That's 50 for you !! I also sent her lots of brochures for Old Folks Homes threatening her that if she continued to live her life as a 20 year old I would put her in a Home ! She is 64 now and still as AMAZING! Drives like a lunatic, drinks like a fish, works like a trooper and goes on Club 18-30 holidays to Ibiza with her 54 year old sister three times a year ! We frequently receive medical bills for her from her falling over drunk !

I am 40 now and have the time of my life with her !

Roll on 50!
Well, some might find this funny, and others might identify - I am about to turn 50 (tomorrow actually) and freaking out about it. I still feel about 20 years old and the number 50 is messing with my head. Advice?
this is what an 8 yr old child thinks! Media URL:
this is what an 8 year old boy thinks about being 50! Media URL:
It's good to see questions can still be answered 3 years later

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OK - so what is good and bad about being 50 years old........

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