I know that adoption records are only open to the adoptee. However, when the child was born, there must have been an entry in the registers. Are the registers altered when the child is adopted or what?
Take this example:- Bert is born in 1933. Presumably his birth is entered in the registers in 33. In 1935 he is adopted. What happens to the original entry? Is it left or are the registers altered?
Dot - if you are reading this, do you have a throwaway email address I could email you on for advice, please - if you don't mind. I have a sensitive question, which I don't really want to post on here.
yes, as far as i understand it, when a child is adopted, the registrar adds a reference to the birth registration entry that links to the adoption entry (the adoption registration system was taken over by the GRO in about 1924 as i recall). when you order a certificate, i assume the registrar will include in the certified copy the adoption reference, though not 100% sure if they do, I'd need to research that a bit,.
I was adopted by my mother and step-father when I was 9 years old. A few years ago, purely out of curiosity I ordered a copy of my original birth certificate, which came with all the details on, but it did say something like 'since adopted' on it. Interestingly I have just looked myself up on findmypast.co.uk, and it couldn't find me using my first name, but if I just use my first initial I am there! Maybe it is because I have an unusual first name, as there is nothing on the register page to indicate that i have been adopted.
I was adopted as a child. Once adopted you only have an adoption certificate as proof as your date of birth with adoptive parents as your parents. I can look up my birth on sites but only in the name before I was adopted. YOu can't find me born on a site with my adopted name.