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Can you hear it?

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cupid04 | 14:16 Tue 28th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
God is moving his furniture. Can you hear it where you are?


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see now trigs, why cant you have mumsie_wumsies optimism for wet, noisy weather?
That's just a fart cupid, wait 'till the real stuff gets going !! ;-))
He's had a right clear out here in Southend.

God's having a massive wee now and also throwing his toys out of the pram...................woohooo Jem <<me waving>>>
Not quite so keen now, coz I've got to go out and get the grand children from school!!!!!Oh well, can't win them all....brolly at the ready..hahaha
We have got the rain, but no furniture moving.
Waving back Den /////// I think he's got a problem here & can only manage a dribble, but those bloody Tonka Toys don't 'arf 'urt!

He's not moved it in my direction. Its just hot and muggy and all I can hear is my 2 dogs snoring.
quiet skies and beautiful sunshine all day here up north !! fabulous
and turning the lights on and off.....

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