Do you think alcoholism is or can be heredity? Every where I look the answer appears to be no. Yet two of my relatives were alki's. One died 'the doc said' through the brain shutting down, the other in the pool whilst drunk. Any thoughts?
every now & then have a week off the booze just to prove to myself that I can.When we lived in Dubai& Sharjah the whole of the Brit community were on the verge of alcoholism it became a way of life a even the vicar's wife went home to dry out at a clinic !
I find hard to believe that alcoholism could be hereditary. Just another excuse to allow people to free themselves from any personal responsibility for their actions.
I personally believe there is a 'type' of person with an addictive personality ... a natural risk taker .. a 'type' with a built in tendency to take things to the max .. be it drinks/ drugs/ gambling. My brother has a drink problem and is this 'type' .. one of lifes risk takers with an all or nothing outlook.