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TWR | 10:21 Thu 30th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Has the UK lost it's Identity? our law is over ruled by Brussels, Products made by China putting thousands out of work here. call centres In India! what next?


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Come to think of it, I can't always understand other British accents, and I am sure they cannot understand mine (although of course my diction is perfect - this is a joke in case anyone thinks I mean it) so it doesn't really matter if as lottie says they can speak an understandable form of English.
Mujibar was trying to get a job..

The Personnel Manager said, "Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except one. Unless you pass it, you cannot qualify for this job.’

Mujibar said, "I am ready.’

The manager said, "Make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink and Green.’

Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said, "Mister manager, I am ready’

The manager said, "Go ahead...’

Mujibar said, "The telephone goes green, green, and I pink it up, and say,’Yellow’, this is Mujibar.’

Mujibar now works at a call centre.
LOL McMouse
talking about humps I have been called The Dowager for years, it all stems from when MR S, myself and his skinny pal were all in Goa together and we went to see this well know "bone manipulater" for want of a better word, he took one look at us at said someting in konkani[Goa local dialect] and Mr S who speaks it laughed he tolds us the guy had given us all names , Mr S was like an Angry Tomato [ red faced after we climbed a hill to his retreat] the pal was Chicken Chest and I was Dowagers Hump ! we still keep these three nicknames between us only.
ps his treatment was agony but it worked.
TWR apologies for going off the subject for Lottie.
Have we lost our identity of course we have and lots of us arent happy about it, if my poor grandma or my dad even came back now they would think they were in some alien land, cant even get the kids of today to say please or thank you unless prompted [ well most of them].
Hi Dee. The whole world has changed at a rapid rate since our grandparents time. Never in history have things changed so quickly, but we just have to get on an accept it. To our children what they are living in normal and OK and so it will be to their children, and then their children, and forever.

What is the British identity. It is what we grow up and accept I suppose. There are good and bad things in all eras. We tend to forget the bad things that past generations have told us about.

(I promise I will not refer to your Indian name ever!! ;o) )

I must admit that I find the majority of young people polite. They have more to say for themselves and are less submissive to adults than we were, but that isn't a bad thting. Bad manners I find run across the board of all generations. I come across as many bad mannered and rude people in my generation a I do in the youngsters. And youngsters learn from their elders.
I notice that most of you refer to "Britain" or "UK". I have some of my farther's tools that have stamped on them "Made In England". That's a thing of the past.
Isnt losing our identity, culture and borders what globalisation all about, think about it. Globalisation is bandied about but never explained as to what it entails.
I do think we have, perhaps some don't mind, but some do. The call centre does get on my wick, when i need to call the ISP to ask what happened to the landline/broadband, it means i have to use the mobile to call them. You get all these different options, and by the time you manage to get someone on the phone, the mobile has run out of cash, or cost a small fortune, and very rarely have i got someone in UK, and no i don't understand most i have spoken with. Once you would get someone you could refer back to say in a council office, or phone company, but that doesn't happen now.

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