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Right Question Time coming on soon...

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Bobbisox | 22:13 Thu 30th Jun 2011 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
Time to shout abuses at the tele and get rid of ones frustrations, very therapeutic indeed


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if only em, if only - long since my chain has been yanked.....(:o(
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thats him, Dave Spikey, I like him

and Bullys star prize tonight is???
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didn't they used to get a bully ornament thingy - it was a very low budget show............
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well it's been fun all, see you in the morning
nite nite x
too surreal, good night.
nite nite all - I am off to finish my game on FB, Bejewelled - I'll have a look a Questiontime to see whos on first.
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Must have been one very odd 'Question time' last night
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why's that Michael?
seems all they talked about, was a bit of Bully

anyway , i'm off to work. Hopefully sandyroe has some good news for me later ;0)
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:-) @MT
have a good day
Joy x
so who was on then?
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the transport Minister who looks like Lord Charles, Polly Toynbee. an opposition spokesman and a newspaper editor and former teacher
the usual suspects, was it worth shouting at or a brick through the telly
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not really it mostly about yesterdays strike em which I really can't comment on or get on my high horse about, no money in the pot but all the same I feel very sorry for those it is affecting

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