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cazxx1 | 11:05 Fri 01st Jul 2011 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
hi all my husband is unemployed at the moment, he has worked all his life but got made redundant, he worked for an agency for about 2 months he didn't know they classed him as working for himself, when it come to an end someone from the benefit office told him he couldn't sigh on for 6 weeks , we struggled to pay bills and everything, when he did sign on they told he he didn't need to wait 6 weeks.Now he has been offered work for another 1 month as self employed and don't know what to do.....does anyone know if you can sign on straight away if you become self employed when the job finishes


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although you may get lucky and somebody on here will know the answer, but I would contact the benefit office to get the definitive answer. Might be quicker and you will know it is correct.
If the advice given was that a claim could not be mad for six weeks then that is wrong. Self employed contibutions do not generally count to ward Jobseeekers Allownace. It is Class 1 contributions that count but if the employer has not been paying contrubutions only for about three months than it may be okay.

A claim should be made ASAP along with details of the person who said a claim could not be made for six weeks In this type of case, mis-direction should be looked at and if confirmed, a paymemt can be made for the amout not piad as a consequence of the misdirection,

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