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A-Level exam results

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mountainboo | 18:00 Sun 19th Jun 2011 | Jobs & Education
3 Answers
I received an A for unit 2 (coursework) in January but a D for the exam, so I re-sat earlier this month. Therefore I shall receive the results for 3 units in August. I just wondered what I would need for those units in order to achieve an overall C for the A-Level?


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How does it work then, mountainboo, is it an average of all your results?
If so then A+D average is B/C, but do they take the D into account when calculating your actual grade, or will it be only the result of the resit?
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Thanks Boxtops, I am concerned with the re-sit result. Basically, I am eager to get into University of London and need at least an overall D but preferably a C. I personally think I did terribly in the final exam (unit 3). Marks for exams are about 20% higher than coursework marks
Is there a cap on the maximum mark you can get on a resit, I'm sure there was at places I studied. If so, that could make a difference.

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A-Level exam results

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