Firstly, there's alot of sound advice given here... but, the corollary to that maxim is that it's not often someone with any disorder can be "cured" by other's opinions or in a forum. Having said that and having been close to someone for most of my life that lives in "the shadows" you describe, I'll offer my two cents worth (your "tupence", no?)
First, you are actually quite confident... confident (an probably secure) in your low self-esteem. There's probably a lot to be lost should you change that aspect of your life.
Secondly, I count 23 uses of the pronoun "I" in your one short paragraph. This supports the description of one who is secure in their own "inwardness". It's really all about you, isn't it? Your use of your faux-concern about your daughter is a facade to support a fence that serves you well.
So... what can one do. In trying to help the one I know well (I'm in the U.S., by the way, but that's beside the point) and with professional counselling, she found that there were several things in her life that she was really good at... things that, secretly she enjoyed but didn't want to share because she would then lose "control" of those aspects. What are those things you are good at? What things do you know lots about... more so than most other folks?
Try writing them down and, most importantly, admitting them to your self.
All humans share the same need for these things:
The need to give and receive attention
The need to look after your body.
The need for meaning, purpose and goals.
The need for a connection to something greater than ourselves
The need for creativity and stimulation
The need for intimacy and connection to others.
The need for a sense of control
The need for a sense of status and recognition from others.
The need for a sense of safety and security
Write down those things that you believe (truthfully) that contribute positively to those needs.
Lastly, seek something that truly interests you (there is something for everyone) and learn everything about it to the point you could teach someone else. Humans have an innate need to "teach" others. Give it a try... (it's important to keep a daily journal of your efforts).
In all of this, professional help "can" be of great importance... but a word of caution... don't place your life entirely in their hands and be sure to use your own ability to determine their effectiveness...
Bona Fortuna!