of Bluebottles/huge flies? Just to day I have been plagued by bluebottles in my kitchen. I keep spraying with flykiller, but next time I go in kitchen there are more of them. I have removed my kitchen bin, so they aren't coming from there. There is no food around the place. I am really puzzled, and a bit freaked out by it. Any helpful ideas anyone please?
I have always hated buzzy things in the house and I would actually say I'm borderline insect phobic. It's bad enough when they buzz around your ears outside (I hate wasps!) but I can't stand them in the house. I never used to open windows or doors (yes, we all sweltered!) but I discovered insect door nets and it's brilliant. No more buzzy insects in my house anymore!
as Ankou has mentioned the p word, I want to say what I saw in the 99p shop at lunchtime. It was a plastic cowlike animal with small brown chocolate (?) pellets which you put in the mouth and then collect out of the rear end. I couldnt believe that somebody would design this.
Max loves bluebottles, he follows them round the house till they settle in range then he pounces, eats them and settles down with a satisfied look on his face