Cutting out from time to time and fault code reader saying its a fuel pressure problem. D'ya reckon big problem or just good service needed. Question may sound simplistic but I'm simpe..
Maybe fuel rail bypass/return or pump/regulator ..
I think you'll need better help than we/I can give here.
It might be a guesswork job .. but best bet is a Diesel Inj specialist .. which will be cheaper than Citroen.
A while back I'd done a service on a Citroen Diesel Search, the thing would not start it turned out to be the pump, Just an Idea but more than likely be corrected.
When was the fuel filter last changed? My Vectra diesel was running like a dog, the mechanic mentioned when I picked it up after a service that the fuel filter was in a right old state, looked like I'd had a bad fill of diesel somewhere. Driving it home from that service it was smooth as silk and went like a stabbed rat.