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Lordy, this CB has gone downhill...

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Bbbananas | 09:52 Wed 06th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
.... since I stopped posting on here so much

It needs livening up. (Without the threat of dismissal). Come on McM, give us a funny story or else I shall be forced to resort to smut and I am trying to resist.........


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I thought that was me Helen.....
Doctors have identified a food that causes grief and suffering years after it's been eaten. It's called a wedding cake.
wonder what they call a divorce cake?
C'mon Salla, stop resisting
I had a dream last night that I was eating my pillow... I woke up feeling down in the mouth...........
i'm well grumpy today i just had to stop myself from telling a rep to F off

more smut and jokes please
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Corrie Quote of the Week, No. 1:
"Would you like some company?"
"No thanks, I've got a sausage roll".
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(That was Julie trying to chat up Karl, new landlord).
Horse goes into a pub and asks for a pint. Barman says "what's with the long face" I'll get me coat.
I heard that a doctor at an Essex hospital wrote 'Epping' on a difficult patient's notes.

When a nurse asked what it meant he replied 'half way to Barking'.
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McM - that is so naff and old and....well.... still funny. Which beer adverts have that longstanding joke where the horse comes into a bar...?
that's fosters salla, they have the 'man walks into a bar.... ouch' one and the bear one... a bear walks into a bar and says "I'd like a pint of............ lager, please" the barman says "why the big pause?".
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I thought you were swearing at me for a minute paul - the filter 'n all that...

I like the Fosters ads. Not quite as intellectual as the Guinness but...
Got the sack from the dodgems yesterday...I'm doing them for funfair dismissal
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Your proboscis is quite disconcerting carrust....
It is in real life as well.......broken several times & it's bent......
I've noticed since your episode Salla, it may be a coincidence that it appears to have gone quiet? do you think it has given people the frighteners?

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Lordy, this CB has gone downhill...

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