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It's like Sodom & Gomorrah with a dartboard....

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Bbbananas | 11:08 Wed 06th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
was Norris' description of the Rovers Return last week.
Very apt & a fine description.

What would be your idea of a Pub from Hell ?


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When we visit the Kids in Edinburgh, we usually have a walk to this little pub on Leith Shore...It's one of the best pubs I've been in for a long time..Mind you can't have too much to drink as it's a little too near the waters edge for my liking !
fox and grapes hasn't changed as much as the others the billet attracts a younger crowd now but is ok early in the week...
I tend just to go to the windmill for tea and cakes now...when I am over that way
welshyorkie have a look at this old map, remember some of the streets are no longer there

Rowan, My dad and I used to walk or cycle across the common on a Sunday and stop at the Windmill for icecream.

I last went there about 5 years ago with my Aunt. I couldn't get over the amount of traffic in those parts now. Like one giant car park.

My Dad used to go the school opposite the Fox and Grapes. There was a porch on the front where I used to sit with my Dad - he with his beer and me with my orange juice and crisps. The porch is now gone. The school has changed into a pre prep school. It was outside the Fox and Grapes that I learned to appreciate that wonderful smell of beer.
they do really nice cakes there now and a very good cooked breakfast

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It's like Sodom & Gomorrah with a dartboard....

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