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Reporting Sisters

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mayennaise | 19:16 Tue 05th Jul 2011 | TV
11 Answers
Can anyone recall the name of the two sisters that were reporters on TV news broadcasts. Haven't seen them recently but that doesn't mean they are no longer on telly............


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The only people I can think of are Veronica and Orla Guerin, who weren't actually sisters although many people believe them to be. Veronica was murdered in 1996 in Ireland and Orla still reports for BBC (currently as their Pakistan correspondent), but like I say, they're not actually related. Other than that I can't help - sorry.
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They were both dark haired and one used to read the news and the other used to do outside reporting - think they were on commercial TV rather then the BBC - it is driving me bonkers. Thought it might have been Katie Derham but I can't find any mention of a sister for her!
Not sure if this is of any help -
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Thanks - but no - it's not Krusty and her sister.
Are you perhaps thinking (way back to the late 80s/early 90s) of Fiona and Pamela Armstrong, who were also not sisters.
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Thanks for your efforts but none of you suggestions have come up trumps. I am hoping their names will pop into my head in the next couple of days - as sometimes happens. But if anyone can help in the meantime - please feel free.......
National news or regional news? If regional which area?

BBC or one of the other broadcasters?

When seen? 1960s, 1970s etc.

Young ladies - middle aged - oldies?


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As far as I can remember - national news, one of them may even have been an entertainment reporter, rather than a news reporter. They were in their late 20s or early 30s ish...and I think we last saw them in the mid to late 90s
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I've gone crossed eyed looking through that site karenmac60 but I am still non the wiser! Perhaps I did a 'Bobby Ewing'band dreamt it!!

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Reporting Sisters

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