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/// I love it - typical Daily Mail bias involved - shame that they weren't closed down a la NoTW so we would be spared.///
Yet another example of the 'Fascist Left', wanting all publications closed down, except the ones that support their own particular agenda.
Should the general public not be allowed to read such reports, just because some would wish them swept them under the carpet, only after they themselves have looked over them while wearing their rose tinted spectacles of course?
Regardless of what provocation a person gets they have no right to take the law into their own hands, especially in such a savage and vicious manner as this.
Isn't this what the liberal left are always preaching, but this 'caring' attitude takes some upholding, when they also support the criminal rather than the victim.
She was avoided a prison sentence just because she had a child, and for no other reason.
/// Judge Rachel Hudson told Beaumont: ‘You have a young child you clearly care for well and it is right that you have the opportunity to continue to care for him.’ ///
They are the words of the judge, not something invented by the Daily Mail.