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Sagz | 22:38 Sun 10th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
How's everyone doing on this fine day or night? What time is it at your location? As for my location, it's 8:50 am Monday July 11.


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23:41 just got dark. Off to bed soon.
Hello Sagz :)

It's still Sunday, 11.40 and time for bed (for me anyway)
Are you in Oz??'s a 9 hour difference between here and Melbourne.
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Oh wow what a big time difference. Ok good night to you guys.
23:47 still waching the telly.
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Pastafreak - sorry I don't know where that is. I'm from the northern mariana Islands.
Well I'm still awake!

Good morning, Sagz. Wikitravel doesn't exactly go out of its way to recommend your part of the world as a tourist destination (other than for snorkelling, scuba diving, gambling and prostitution!)

Can you 'sell' the place to us?
Why do I have the sudden thought that some AB'ers will now go there on holiday?
haha Sagz...I don't know where that is.....I will go google. I thought you were in Australia....same time difference.
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Buenchico - I don't even recommend this island for a vacation. Most of the asian's that come here are illegal recruits from their own people that have illegal businesses here and are enjoying the use of USD. Something is wrong with our government here and we don't know what is going to happen next everyday.
How interesting. I only joined this site today and had no idea that it reached the far ends of the globe. What is USD, please?
Well, at least you've got one of the shortest web addresses that I've ever seen!

But even your 'Visitors Authority' can't seem to find a great deal to say about Saipan!:
Click 'Our Islands' and then 'Saipan' to see what I mean! ;-)
USD = United States Dollar, Plautus

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