So the Beckhams are proud parents of a baby girl today, congratulations.
But have they lost the plot? how can both parents agree on the poor mites name... Wait for it... she'll be called *Harper Seven*
The mind boggles.
I work in shipping an regularly speak to a chinese person who's 'western' name is Seven, I'm sure he'll be made up!
I think it is probably a link to David's shirt number, I don't see anything wrong with it, although I hope she never has to watch an episode of The Prisoner! "I'm not a number I'm a ... oh wait, I am a number!!"
There's absolutely nothing wrong with the name. The main thing is if she is treated the same way as the boys then she will grow up to be a polite and intelligent little lady, and of course much loved by both her parents. Nuff said.
Much longed for daughter why didn't they give her a beautiful feminine name, Maria, Davina a variation of David,
Surprised they didn't go for Beverley Hills Beckham or Rebecca shortened to Becky. Harper too masculine and as for seven, up there with the wackiest
I read somewhere that your name is what your friends call you so when she gets older she can pick her own name. Can you change it by deed poll? That's another option.
No theres nothing wrong with the name Harper. but its not very femanin is it? Being as they're Essex people it probably will be shortened to 'arp...
When I say "Poor Child" I don't mean money-wise, how could I? I know like the rest of the world how wealthy the Beckhams are DOH!!I mean in 'Pity'
because I reckon she'll get a lot of ribbing at school. Kids can be cruel.
Night -night Harper Seven, sleep tight.
When I was a kid there was a horrible man who ran the corner shop & he was Steven Harper. Reminds me of him.
It's after Harper finkle (from some magical disney thing that the boys like) and seven is because she was born in the 7th month , 7th hour (7.55 to be precise) and weight 7lbs +, apparently David is into numerology!!