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Would you rather....

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Bbbananas | 13:55 Tue 12th Jul 2011 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
be beautiful and intelligent but unpopular.
or ugly and thick but very well-liked.

Warning: this may be a trick question ;-)


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I would prefer to be a horse sized duck sitting at home annoying some stock in a pan.
Beautiful and intelligent but unpopular

Life ain't a popularity contest

Some babies are so ugly the midwifes don't slap their @rses - they slap their mothers faces
Good job you don't want to be popular Joe.
Karen, if I wanted to be popular on here I'd post what others wanted to hear (like some who are popular with lots of 'friends' on here do)

Instead I post what I think, it's not me who is unpopular because no one actually knows me, it's actually my pixels that are unpopular

Can't say I'm particularly bothered tbh
Good answer Joe, that's how I think.

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